In the dead of winter

5 de February de 2018

In the northern hemisphere, the months of January and February are often called the dead of winter because it is the coldest part of the year.

In our last post, we talked about learning new vocabulary as a new year’s resolution. To help start this off for 2018 here are some ‘dead of winter’ idioms that will help you to feel the cold all year long. Read on for more…

Source: Wikimedia Commons

First, let’s break the ice. You may have to do this at parties or weddings if you don’t know many people. Teachers often do activities called “ice breakers” at the beginning of the school year to help people get to know each other and become friends.

However, breaking the ice is different from walking on thin ice. If you walk on thin ice you are in a dangerous situation and you will need to be very careful!

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The snowball effect is something which keeps growing and growing at a faster and faster rate. Just like a snowball rolling down a hill.  Often it is out of control and it can become dangerous.

The tip of the iceberg is the very small part of a much bigger thing. Typically, it is used with to describe very serious situations where only a small part of the problem can be seen.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

To be snowed under is used to talk about situations when you have too much to do and you feel as if you can’t do it all. Just like when you return to work after the Christmas holidays!

Idiom challenge: Can you find any of these idioms “in action” in songs, stories or newspaper articles?

Enjoy Keane and their song “Snowed Under” below.

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