Beach life!

Beach life! Posts in English

Beach life!

“Sunshine is the best medicine” so the saying goes. You can produce Vitamin D by being in the sun and maybe this is one of the reasons that going to the beach in the summer[…]

Anyone for tennis? Posts in English

Anyone for tennis?

Tennis is one of the most popular sports today and Wimbledon is one of the most famous tennis tournaments. The first Wimbledon was in 1877 and it is usually at the beginning of July. It[…]

Summer English for Work courses General

Summer English for Work courses

If you’re looking to polish your English skills over the summer, sign up for one of our summer courses in the “English for Work” series: Speaking Skills for Work, Writing Skills for Work, or Presentation Skills for Work.[…]

Posts in English

Summer fireworks

  Summer solstice is on its way and in Catalonia and Valencia, as well as in other parts of the world, celebrations take place to commemorate the shortest night of the year, or Saint John’s[…]

Posts en français

Éloge d’un vilain monsieur

Michel Houellebecq est un écrivain que beaucoup de gens détestent, mais pas moi. D’accord, pour commencer, il a VRAIMENT une sale gueule. Il n’est pas, tout simplement, «pas beau», non. Il est vilain, d’une laideur[…]