Posts in English

The spoken word Posts in English

The spoken word

Did you know that William Shakespeare and Miguel Cervantes both died on April 23rd? This strange but true fact is one of the main reasons that April is a very special month for books. In[…]

Are March hares really mad? Posts in English

Are March hares really mad?

As mad as a March hare, or so the saying goes, is used to describe someone who is wild and crazy. Hares are bigger versions of rabbits, and they are so popular in UK culture[…]

Let there be light Posts in English

Let there be light

  Light festivals in cities are now all the rage. Modern advances in light technology have made these large-scale art installations possible, and the results are stunning. Barcelona holds its own light event in the[…]

In the dead of winter Posts in English

In the dead of winter

In the northern hemisphere, the months of January and February are often called the dead of winter because it is the coldest part of the year. In our last post, we talked about learning new[…]

New year’s resolutions – making a fresh start Posts in English

New year’s resolutions – making a fresh start

Happy 2018!! It’s the start of a new year and for many people around the world, that means a new beginning. January is the time for reflection so this is the best time to think[…]